MP's Broncos Update

Former NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle convinced "all the league's owners to adopt revenue sharing, arguably the most successful form of socialism in U.S. history. The reason the NFL is so dominant is because the NFL is basically Marxist. This was Rozelle's greatest coup, and everybody knows it. But you'd never guess that from watching the NFL Network. Marxism is not a talking point." -Chuck Klosterman

Regarding McDaniels/Profanity-gate: I don't think the guy should have apologized for anything. He didn't say anything unreasonable in the circumstances; in fact he didn't say anything that I haven't said at my job (which is moderately comparable). I think he apologized because he is a caring parent, which is a good thing, but I hope he doesn't change his ways. I like his fieriness.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Daily Update - The Mysterious Q

The Broncos recently dropped kicker Paul Ernster in order to re-sign Quentin Griffin. The Broncos should have dropped Ernster a long time ago and given his roster spot to someone more deserving, but I'm wary of the move to resign Q. I don't know how much playing time he'll get Monday night against the Chiefs (I suspect it won't be much), but his effectiveness against even adequate defensive lines has always been questionable. And the Chiefs defense is a vast improvement over last year's failed squad. If Anderson and Tatum Bell are hurt, I suspect the Broncos will run Ron Dayne a lot and maybe through Q in to mix it up once in a while. However, despite the recent newscasts which insist on mentioning Q's big game against the Chiefs last year, I don't think there's a chance Q or anyone else will repeat those types of numbers against the Chiefs this time. The Broncos face another physical team. If the offense sputters there's little chance the defense will dominate Trent Green, Tony Gonzales, Priest Holmes, and Larry Johnson the way they did the Chargers. My fingers are crossed once again...this time on both hands.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop comment hacking fool!

3:38 PM  

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